General info







Authorization Your access token, in this format "Bearer <token>"


fileId Required Use the same fileId, previously returned by /analyze.
cuttingSpeed Optional Cutting speed in mm/s.
scoringSpeed Optional Scoring speed in mm/s.
engravingSpeed Optional Engraving speed in mm/s.
engravingDpi Optional Engraving DPI.
cuttingColors Optional An array of indices of the corresponding colors returned from /analyze, to cut. (Example: [0, 2, 3] to cut the first, third and fourth color)
cc_cuttingColors Optional Colors to cut, when using with ConvertCalculator.
scoringColors Optional An array of indices of the corresponding colors returned from /analyze, to score. (Example: [0, 2, 3] to score the first, third and fourth color)
cc_scoringColors Optional Colors to score, when using with ConvertCalculator.
engravingColors Optional An array of indices of the corresponding colors returned from /analyze, to engrave. (Example: [0, 2, 3] to engrave the first, third and fourth color)
cc_engravingColors Optional Colors to engrave, when using with ConvertCalculator.
vectorJerkFactor Optional, default is 100 Defines how fast the machine accelerates in corners. Higher value = faster acceleration.
rasterAcceleration Optional, default is 25000 How fast the machine accelerates when raster engraving in mm/s2.
rasterTurnDelay Optional, default is 0 Optional pause between every scan-line of engraving.
rasterOvershoot Optional, default is 0 How far in mm the machine overshoots across the extremity of the engraving.
cuttingPreviewColor Optional, default is red Color in CSS format to use to render cutting in the preview.
scoringPreviewColor Optional, default is blue Color in CSS format to use to render scoring in the preview.
engravingPreviewColor Optional, default is black Color in CSS format to use to render engraving in the preview.


success Either true or false, depending on whether the estimation was successful or not. If it is not successful, it is not counted towards your subscription quota.
cuttingTime Estimated cutting time in seconds.
cuttingRapids Estimated amount of rapid movements during cutting.
scoringTime Estimated scoring time in seconds.
scoringRapids Estimated amount of rapid movements during scoring.
engravingTime Estimated engraving time in seconds.
previewSvg Temporary URL to a preview image that can be shown in a formula.
productionPreviewSvg Temporary URL to a preview image of the laser operations.
productionCartPreviewSvg Temporary URL to a preview image suitable for a cart.