Authorization |
Your access token, in this format "Bearer <token>" |
fileId |
Required | Use the same fileId , previously returned by /analyze. |
cuttingSpeed |
Optional | Cutting speed in mm/s. |
scoringSpeed |
Optional | Scoring speed in mm/s. |
engravingSpeed |
Optional | Engraving speed in mm/s. |
engravingDpi |
Optional | Engraving DPI. |
cuttingColors |
Optional | An array of indices of the corresponding colors returned from /analyze, to cut. (Example: [0, 2, 3] to cut the first, third and fourth color) |
cc_cuttingColors |
Optional | Colors to cut, when using with ConvertCalculator. |
scoringColors |
Optional | An array of indices of the corresponding colors returned from /analyze, to score. (Example: [0, 2, 3] to score the first, third and fourth color) |
cc_scoringColors |
Optional | Colors to score, when using with ConvertCalculator. |
engravingColors |
Optional | An array of indices of the corresponding colors returned from /analyze, to engrave. (Example: [0, 2, 3] to engrave the first, third and fourth color) |
cc_engravingColors |
Optional | Colors to engrave, when using with ConvertCalculator. |
vectorJerkFactor |
Optional, default is 100 |
Defines how fast the machine accelerates in corners. Higher value = faster acceleration. |
rasterAcceleration |
Optional, default is 25000 |
How fast the machine accelerates when raster engraving in mm/s2. |
rasterTurnDelay |
Optional, default is 0 |
Optional pause between every scan-line of engraving. |
rasterOvershoot |
Optional, default is 0 |
How far in mm the machine overshoots across the extremity of the engraving. |
cuttingPreviewColor |
Optional, default is red |
Color in CSS format to use to render cutting in the preview. |
scoringPreviewColor |
Optional, default is blue |
Color in CSS format to use to render scoring in the preview. |
engravingPreviewColor |
Optional, default is black |
Color in CSS format to use to render engraving in the preview. |
success |
Either true or false , depending on whether the estimation was successful or not. If it is not successful, it is not counted towards your subscription quota. |
cuttingTime |
Estimated cutting time in seconds. |
cuttingRapids |
Estimated amount of rapid movements during cutting. |
scoringTime |
Estimated scoring time in seconds. |
scoringRapids |
Estimated amount of rapid movements during scoring. |
engravingTime |
Estimated engraving time in seconds. |
previewSvg |
Temporary URL to a preview image that can be shown in a formula. |
productionPreviewSvg |
Temporary URL to a preview image of the laser operations. |
productionCartPreviewSvg |
Temporary URL to a preview image suitable for a cart. |